Monday, April 23, 2012

I've gotta run.  These are some recent pictures.  This is our last day.  It has been a pretty good week.  The time at Gjushja's house has been relatively peaceful this week.  We're hoping to go on the cable car today.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Laura sent me some photos from our dinner at the Stephen Center.  Notice how many strawberries there were. This bowl came after 2 plates of strawberries, then a trip to the market by Nathan and Chris.

Laura let the kids use her iPad.  We were at the restaurant for 3 hours and the kids never got restless!  She also played war with Luke (I brought cars) while Chris entertained Nathan with lots of mischievous ideas that he thought might be fun for Nathan to try.

Friday, April 20, 2012

We had a really nice dinner with some old friends of Genci, Chris & Laura, who he used to work for at the Stephen center.  I need to type in Nathan & Luke's journal entries so that you can see their perspective.  Tonight Chris was trying to convince Nathan to come live here with them, and he would do all kinds of crazy things like teach Nathan to drive (at 10 years old), show him how to eat whipped cream out of the canister, and other things that he probably isn't allowed to do at home.  It was funny and Nathan seemed both amused and intrigued by the ideas.  The kids had ice cream and a million strawberries for dessert.  I'm not kidding.  We had three different plates of fresh strawberries brought to us, then Chris and Nathan went next door to the market to buy more strawberries.  They had that huge bag of strawberries washed for us, then we ate all of those as well.  Wow.  A fun time was had by all, even the kids.

Right now I have some pictures to upload from last nights Raki Party at the hostel's bar.  The kids played on the computers in the smoke-free room next to the bar for the first part of the party, then I disappeared to get them ready for bed and to bed, then returned to the party, which had progressed.  It was very dark in the bar.  During the second part of the part I was shooting at 6400 ISO, which is really pushing it.  But I think I was able to capture the fun spirit of the event.